Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Are You Looking for a Challenge? Vegan Week

I really like the idea of Meatless Mondays. However, in a given week A. and I eat plenty of meat-free meals so instituting something like this would not make much of a difference. I am, however, interested in going a full week without meat. And since I am not eating dairy for The Lad's reflux, it makes sense to try a vegan week.

This should not be difficult for me. For about five years I ate a mostly vegan diet. I did not identify as a vegan since I did not adopt any other aspects of the vegan lifestyle. It was probably the healthiest diet I've ever enjoyed, however, it took a great deal of effort to make sure I was getting enough of what I needed (this was a time in my life where I would have been perfectly happy eating suishi rice and miso soup at every meal). I stopped eating vegan when my body started tolerating dairy again. Then I discovered tuna sashimi. Then I got bored with my diet and had a turkey sandwich and the story goes on from there.

In any case, vegan and vegetarian eating still appeals to me from a personal economic stand point (tofu and beans are far, FAR more affordable than grain fed, locally raised meats) and an environmental one (see above, meatless mondays). Since I also tend to procrastinate, vegan eating also puts far less perishable foods to waste.

So, here are the rules:

1. All meals prepared and consumed by me will be vegan. Andy can do whatever he wants for breakfast and lunch.

2. Although I probably won't be using any processed foods, I am not going to worry about things like caesin and whey as ingredients.

3. I reserve the right to use the fish sauce that is already in my pantry. The same goes for my white table sugar and flour that some vegans would not use.

4. The "week" begins this Sunday at dinner and ends next Saturday at lunch.

More later when I decide which meals I am going to prepare.

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