Monday, August 27, 2007

Teaching an Old Tart Her Old Tricks

I have decided to start making coffee at home again. I still intend to drink to drink plenty of tea, but I'll be starting most days with a cup of coffee. I switched to a French Press a couple of years ago because I wanted to rid my kitchen of the large 12 cup monstrosity that took up literally 25% of my counter space. Also, I found that I preferred French press coffee although my best experience with coffee (of any kind) was at The Floataway Cafe measured by a cook likely more skilled than I at making coffee. However, I determined the "press" time so I may be selling myself short. The fact is, I used to know how to make a good cup of coffee (by my standards, which aren't exactly high) and I need to remind my self how.

I found these articles, from Coffee Geek and Digs Magazine:

I am not a coffee snob. While, I enjoy an excellent of coffee, I don't particularly loathe a bad cup of coffee if I feel like I need it. Indeed, I find that there is a place and time for less-than-perfect coffee such as with pancakes at a diner. As long as the coffee was made within the last 30-45 minutes, I am pretty content with anything. However, as with anything that I do, I want to learn and practice so that I am not only happy with my morning brew but also so I can impress others.

I take my coffee with cream or milk. I used to drink it black and would like to return to that but found that when I returned to coffee after a prolonged hiatus, I could no longer drink it black. I did cream and sugar until, taking a cue from me mum, I found that it was just as good (and often better) with just a splash of cream.

I prepared a cup this morning. Somehow, I made the perfect amount although it could have been a little stronger. For my next cup, probably on Wednesday (I don't like to drink coffee on days I might go to Yoga), I will follow the instructions from the aforementioned articles.

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